Jul 21, 2009

Missy and Me

Me and Missy went to As You Wish and painted some pottery this last Saturday. She painted a monkey for her baby room and I painted a cookie jar. It was fun bit both of us were complaining of being uncomfortable in the chairs. To make it up to ourselves, we went to Cold Stone Creamery : )
Meet my friend Missy. Otherwise known as Missy Sue and Gritza. Don't ask. We grew up together because our Mom's knew each other at church and she was born 6 months after me. Good ole 9th ward with the Bentley's, Ridings, Untalascos, Wrights, Bluths and many others. Me and Missy were in kindergarten together and even had matching outfits. Our favorite memory is when I cut her hair and mine and when our moms got home from Vegas, they beat us half to dealth. (Missy, send me a pic of that if you have it) Then, she moved away (from Mesa to Gilbert) and we went to different schools but still saw each other on holidays and such. So throughout High school we were never really in the same click but we did swim together and I worked for her parents in the office in their garage and taught CPR with Missy. We have never been the type of friends that have to hang out with each other everyday to stay close but we were always there for each other. Four years ago Missy got married to Nolan (high school sweetheart). A year and a half ago I got married to Dustin and Missy had been trying to get pregnant but had some complications. I found out I was pregnant in November of last year and then in February or March Missy told me she was pregnant after quitting "trying". I am so excited for Missy and Nolan. I am even more selfishly excited that we are both pregnant. We both wanted girls and we are both getting boys. I am excited to see our kids grow up together just like we did and be best of friends. I love Missy and she is a great friend and will be for all time.


  1. Shana banana you are such a sweet heart. I think it is so ironic that are children will be close to the same age as we are and we are both having boys together. Go us!!!

  2. I love Missy too!! We don't go that far back but were in the same singles ward together when we were like 19 :) We also worked at UoP together, and were friends and put up with boy drama together and then she got married. Now we're back in touch luckily through blog and facebook :) Good stuff. SO many pregnant girls, and yes, they are ALL BOYS!!

    Good luck with everything Shannon!! My family has known Dustin for a long time and we are SO happy for you guys :) :)

