Sep 15, 2009

News we have been waiting for...

On Sunday, Dustin told me to come in our room... I put him off for a second because I had to put a cup under the skillet so the bacon grease didn't get on the counter. When I came in the room he handed me a letter. I noticed his eyes were a little red. I saw the letter was from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and he had one that was open. I knew why he was crying. I opened it and it said that my cancellation from Eric was affective the date of the letter and we needed to get living ordinance recommends so that we can go to the temple and be sealed. It was hand signed by the first presidency of the church. I kinda skimmed through it and pretended to read but I already knew what it said because Dustin was full on crying by this point. I teared up but I guess I wasn't that emotional because it wasn't too much of a surprise. I have been ready for this since December of last year when we started everything (no, I am not bitter, well, not that bitter). We wanted to get sealed in San Diego on vacation but figured out that wasn't going to happen. I just saw the Snowflake temple on Melody's blog... sounds fun... who knows. We will have Teegan sealed to us on that same day. With Teegan being born and other things going on around me, I reflected on my testimony the other day. We have this family in our ward where the mom was baptized years ago from the catholic church and the whole family comes but the dad has never "bit the bullet" and "taken the plunge" of baptism. He is actually my photographer... anyways. On fast Sunday they announced that he was going to be confirmed and there was a gasp (Dustin told me). He hadn't told anyone including his kids or wife. Only the bishop and the friend baptising him knew that he was getting baptised but he told his wife to show up for an interview and she had the best surprise of her life. He said that he wanted to baptize their oldest daughter and that is what made him finally do it. Missy said that it reminded her of my own family. I just thought that it is so simple to be a kid because you don't know what you don't know. When you are an adult you are aware when you don't know something. When you are made aware or giving experiences that prove the church is true... how amazing... then as easy as that you can let something so small make you forget. As adults, we think we know more but really we realize that we know less and faith comes into play. Our stake president always says that he doesn't know everything about the church and nobody ever will because it is our Father that is leading it, not us. You just have to have faith in the things that you know you don't know and take pride in what you do know though experiences and hold onto that...


  1. Congratulations! That Snowflake trip really looked fun for Melody and family.

  2. I am so glad that you and Dustin will be able to be sealed together to your lil' Teagan! What a happy time of life!!!

