Mar 17, 2009

Pinewood Dirby

On Saturday Dawson had his last Pinewood Derby. He was defending his first place title from last year. Dawson took much time in designing his car, painting it, putting decals on and helping Dustin put it all together. There were many races and even a guest appearance by the "cub sub". The leader made a really bulky, non airodinamic car called the cub-sub and everyone loved it because it barely made it to the finish line. Dawson only lost 3 races and we found out later his car was faster backwards then it was forward. He won an award for most wedge shaped car. Drumroll.... He took 2nd place overall! Good job Dawson! Next year it is the Twins' turn!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Dawson! I'm soooo excited you started a blog for you fam! Yeah! Also, congrats on the lil' boy to come. Hope you are all doing well. We miss you and love you!

