Mar 26, 2009

Myah funnies

On Sunday, we were finishing up dinner and Dustin was rattling off the list of what he needed the kids to do to clean up dinner. He was telling Mason that he needed to clean up the table because it "was herendous". Myah then said with attitude"that bar counter top is hinderous!" We all laughed very hard. Dustin told Mason to wipe the bar off earlier in the day and the little kids had looked at it from the side and saw all the crumbs so she felt compelled to enliten us. Our little Myah is always saying funny things. On Saturday, we were buying stuff for the baby room and I bought a clock. Myah said "That clock only goes to 12!" She was so disguisted. Also, we got Myah's ears peirced 4 weeks ago (just before her 6th birthday) The furniture store lady asked how long ago she got her ears peirced, I said 4 weeks and then Myah said "No, it was when I was 5". I am excited to have a blog to keep these memories fresh!


  1. She is so funny. Isn't it great to have a way to record all these moments for them to look back on?

