May 5, 2010


I am now the ward canning specialist. I know you are probably thinking that is a little weird since I know nothing about it. I am excited for this calling though because with our big family, I want to be ready in case an emergency happens. I have been feeding our kids some food storage stuff taht we bought at Costco and some was good and some was disgusting. They all said they would eat it if they were starving though. Along with self-reliance and the Martha Stuart show that I watch everyday, I decided that I wanted to start a garden. I told Dustin I was going to buy a box and plant a garden 2 weeks ago and I was bent on doing it that Saturday. He just rolled his eyes and kept telling me it is harder than I thought and I can't buy a box online. When I woke up at 6 on Saturday and was ready to go... he said "Since I can tell you are not letting up on this garden idea, let me build the box custom so it can go where I want it to go." Later that day, him and Hayden were building away and then me and Maddy mixed soil. We ran out of time to plant the seeds so I had to do that on Monday. We kept having to leave to go to basketball games. Here are some pictures. PS. I am so excited that the Spinach, Tomatoes, and Basil are sprouting.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are growing a garden. Nolan and I love gardening! I want to see pics of your plants growing

