Aug 13, 2009

Getting to know Teegan

Here are some things that we have learned about Teegan...
He is a good breastfeeder
He has very smelly farts
He likes to suck on his arm in the same spot (gave himself a blood blister)
He seems to attract kids (oh, wait, we just have a lot of kids around)
He doesn't like his diaper changed
He Loves to sleep on Mommy (trying to break him of that)
He loves riding and being in the carseat
He is in good health according to Pediatrician
He barely fits in newborn clothes because he is so long
He hasn't figured out the pacifier yet because he likes his hand more
He is pretty gassy

More to come as we get to know him...

1 comment:

  1. They announced in church today that you had him. Congratulations! He is the most manly sense possible! Congratulations!!!

