Aug 6, 2009

Dr appt yesterday

So, we still have no baby but I am a little closer after my Dr. appt yesterday. My mom went with me so we could try to convince them to induce me. First, I had an ultrasound. The baby was being so cute. He was trying to suck his tongue and sticking his tongue out. I have pictures but I will post them later because my scanner is giving me issues. The tech then said that the baby is about 8 lbs 8 oz give or take. Not what I wanted to hear but it gave me a reason to argue to get it out of me now. So then, we met with the doctor (not my actual dr) and she is very by the book and tries to put you off. We started telling her our concerns about the size and the fact that I have 7 kids going to school on Monday. She said she will have me come in for an ultrasound on Friday incase something more comes up and we can rush me or they would call me with an appt to be induced. I hoodwinked the nurse to get me in asap and she called me later and said that my appt to be induced is on Saturday at 10 pm. My brother's birthday is on Sunday so they may share a b-day. I am hoping I will have it before then but I am still at a 2 and not really feeling any contractionst that I will classify as hurting. We will see but I feel better at least having an appt at the hospital on Saturday. So, that's the update...

1 comment:

  1. They will share a baby?!?! I'm excited for baby to get out here!

